for ROAM

Ongoing project

A client project co-led by Hannah Fink and Ben Lorimore.

The content on this page represents the work done during my involvement from 2020-2021

Design by Hannah Fink and Ben Lorimore, CAD by Hannah Fink, render by Ben Lorimore

Roam is a publicly shared bike lock network. Roam locks fit onto existing bike racks and are designed to eliminate bike theft globally, and in turn reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. Roam locks are currently in pilot in the City of Davis, CA and will soon be available everywhere bikes are found.

Copy courtesy of Industrial Craft

Design by Hannah Fink and Ben Lorimore, CAD by Hannah Fink, render by Ben Lorimore

UX artwork by Ben Lorimore



ROAM smart lock


  1. Reserve lock through the app

Drawings by Hannah Fink

UX artwork by Ben Lorimore

2. Unlock with app

3. Lock your bike

4. Enjoy your day, worry-free.

5. End session, unlock bike

6. Replace lock


Process sketches by Hannah Fink and Ben Lorimore

Replacing miles people travel in a vehicle with a personally owned bicycle is a powerful way individuals can address traffic congestion and in turn air pollution and global warming. Getting more people on bikes is a simple goal, requiring a unique combination of technology, community partners and cross-functional skills.

Innovation is hard for even a single entrepreneur or company. ROAM has worked across a complex set of partners using lean principles, agile processes to accelerate decision making and gain consensus on what was a viable solution. Rapid hypothesis testing helped to eliminate options and test new creative hardware paths.

Municipalities, universities, bike advocacy groups, software developers, hardware experts, manufacturers, researchers, funders and entrepreneurs all contributed to create the world’s first publicly shared bike lock. Our pilot launches in Davis, California this year.

Copy courtesy of Industrial Craft

Render by Ben Lorimore, ROAM bike lock CAD by Hannah Fink